Saturday, March 23, 2019

Fifty Shades of Gray?!

... Well, maybe just five shades of gray - but it feels like fifty! (Was that too inappropriate??) In sorting and separating the colors, it always amuses me (and slightly annoys me) when the color descriptions read like this: "Medium Gray," "Light Gray," Medium Light Gray," etc. The differences are so subtle, I go a bit cross-eyed trying to distinguish which color name matches with which floss. But I'm learning that there is purpose in these details - each strand on its own isn't so remarkable, but together they are becoming a valuable part of the greater image.

We're going on two weeks of cloudy/rainy weather, of which I am not a fan. When I look out the window, my primary descriptive word is "gray." But really, I am starting to notice that there are lots of shades out there, and they add dimension and depth to the sky and landscape, a sort of multi-faceted beauty of its own... a subtle gradient from light to dark, shadows on the edges of clouds, watermarks on the rooftops, streams running down the road... they all work together to tell a story. Ok, on the surface, it's the story of a rainy day, but if I look closer, I see a deeper story... a story of cleansing and purifying - carrying away the old, making way for something new and fresh, creating opportunity for life to be refreshed and restored... oh Lord, you bring beautiful restoration, hallelujah...

Listening to: "All the Poor and Powerless," by All Sons & Daughters

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